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Around half of Brits believe in an afterlife, research shows. While many sceptics may raise an eyebrow, it turns out that there is evidence to support this line of thinking. Mum-of-two Sophie Morrison, 42, works as a research assistant for the University of Northampton. But since taking on the role in 2020 her daily work life is far from usual. She tracks the nature, circumstances and impact of paranormal experiences – specifically After Death Communications (ADCs).

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This important and fascinating book reports the results of an extensive international research project undertaken by an eminent team of researchers: Prof. Chris Roe, Dr Callum Cooper, and David Lorimer, with Evelyn Elsaesser being the lead researcher. The research was further supported by the scientific committee comprising Profs. J. Kim Penberthy, Peter Fenwick, and Kenneth Ring. The book is an in-depth report of the first phase of the research, which was undertaken between February 2018 and January 2020 and set out to investigate the phenomenology and impact of after-death communications (ADCs).

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In 1971, Network Member Dr Dewi Rees published a study in the British Medical Journal entitled The hallucinations of widowhood. The use of the term hallucination reflects the materialistic understanding of the human being still prevalent in medical circles, where the idea of the continuity of consciousness after death is unthinkable. Even now, it is advisable to include the word hallucination in the title if submitting an article to a medical journal. For instance, an article published by Evelyn and her team in the British Journal of Psychiatry Open was entitled The phenomenology and impact of the hallucinations concerning the deceased.


After-death communication (ADC) is a spontaneous phenomenon in which a living person
has a feeling or sense of direct contact with a physically deceased person or animal.

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Quelques jours après la mort de ma mère, je l’ai vue soudain dans l’embrasure de la porte. Elle était souriante, rayonnante. Elle m’a

fait comprendre qu’elle allait bien et que je ne devais plus pleurer. J’ai été submergé de joie. » Un être aimé qui vous apparaît ou vous parle après sa mort : il faut l’avoir vécu pour savoir que de tels faits se produisent. Mais de quoi s’agit-il ?...


This book is based on a survey conducted by Evelyn Elsaesser, Chris A. Roe, Callum E. Cooper, and David Lorimer. It is a major contribution to research on after-death communication (ADC) and also to evidence for life after death.

ADCs are spontaneous and initiated by the deceased, without intention or solicitation on the part of the experiencer. They are direct and without the use of mediums or other devices such as psychomanteums.

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Plus de la moitié de la population expérimenterait un «VSCD» au cours de sa vie. Comprenez : être contacté par un proche décédé, alors qu'on ne s'y attend pas et qu'on n'a rien demandé. Phénomène méconnu, mais apparemment très répandu, la science se penche sur ces expériences troublantes depuis plusieurs années. Entretien avec la chercheuse suisse Evelyn Elsaesser, qui s'y consacre depuis plus de trente ans.

© 2025 by ADC team

Design: Noël

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